5 Tips For Setting Up Your Environment For Your New Leopard Gecko
Before you bring home your new leopard gecko, you need to have the right supplies to take care of it. While you are at the pet store, be sure to pick up all the necessary supplies for your new leopard's gecko's home environment.
#1 A Home for Your Gecko
Your gecko is going to need a home. It could be a terrarium, or their home could be a clear Rubbermaid container. Keep in mind that you are going to want to increase the size of their home as they grow. You don't want to put your gecko in an environment that is too big if you are purchasing them as a baby.
Start them out in a smaller environment, and as your gecko grows, you can upgrade them to a larger environment. You are eventually going to need to provide them with a tank that is at least twenty galls large, but you can start smaller in the beginning.
#2 Substrate for the Base of Their Home
Your gecko is not going to enjoy hanging out on glass or plastic. You need to cover the bottom of their home with a substrate. Since geckos do not enjoy sand, keep it out of their home. Instead, you can add some flat stones, some repti-carpet or even some paper towels or newspapers. They just need a comfortable surface.
#3 Tool for Measuring the Humidity
Geckos come from tropical environments where there is a lot of humidity. They need humidity to survive. To ensure they have enough, you need a tool to measure humidity, more formally known as a hygrometer. This will allow you to keep the humidity at a comfortable level for the gecko.
#4 Multiple Reptile Shelters
You are going to need multiple reptile shelters for your gecko. These reptile shelters are also called hides. You need one shelter that creates a warmer environment and one that is moist. The moist environment is necessary for the gecko to be able to properly shed. For the third shelter, you need one that is cold.
#5 A Heat Lamp
Finally, you need a heat source for your geckos. Once again, these are tropical animals, and they like to keep warm. You can add a basking light to provide your gecko with heat, or you can put a heating mat under the tank. You want one side of your tank to be warmer while the other side is kept a little cooler.
You may want to set-up the new home for your gecko before you bring home your gecko. Make sure their new home has comfortable substrate, three distinct shelters, a heat lamp, and a tool for measuring humidity. For more information, contact a store that offers leopard geckos for sale.