Is Your Kitty Litter Setting Off Your Asthma?
Having a cat can be a joyful experience, but not if their kitty litter is triggering your asthma. If you've been having asthma problems and thought your cat was to blame, it might not be their fault. Read on to discover how kitty litter can be a problem and what you can do to get help.
Most kitty litters are scented, and that's where problems start for people with asthma. Many people who have asthma are sensitive to strong scents, especially artificial ones. Unfortunately, kitty litter tends to be strongly scented in order to help cover up the smell of a cat's poo and pee.
Ammonia is another problem that can set off wheezing and lung tightness. Unfortunately, ammonia is produced by cats' urine. If it isn't absorbed well into the kitty litter, it can not only stink but it can continue to produce ammonia in the air, which can make it hard for you to breathe.
If you've been using a scented litter, it's time to make the switch. The good news is, there are many more replacement options these days than there used to be, making it easier to find the best cat litter for odor and dust issues.
You can start by picking a litter that's only lightly scented or has no scent at all. As kitty litter brands have improved, drowning them in scents is no longer necessary to negate the smell of your cat's productions. Picking a litter with little or no scent can help to relieve your problem right away.
Secondly, consider switching to a different formula that does a better job with absorbing ammonia. For example, while clay litter isn't always ideal for this purpose, crystal litter and pine litter are.
Both crystal and pine litters absorb fluid and hold tightly onto it. This helps to stop ammonia production at the source, preventing it from forming into a cloud and making you sick. Keep in mind that switching to crystal and pine litter may take some time for your cat, so you'll want to continue buying your old litter for a while to slowly transition them to the new one. Try mixing in a little more new litter every day until it's primarily new litter and your cat should be able to get accustomed to it easily.
Kitty litter can play a big role in triggering asthma and other upper respiratory conditions. If you've been having problems since you got a cat, it might not actually be the cat's fault. It might just be their litter box. Switch to a new formula and see if that makes a significant difference in your breathing.